Cosmo Sciamanna
Cosmo Sciamanna
Cosmo Sciamanna
Cosmo Sciamanna
Cosmo Sciamanna
Cosmo Sciamanna

Obituary of Cosmo Sciamanna

Please share a memory of Cosmo to include in a keepsake book for family and friends.



June 2017-2024


I never thought I would miss

That abstract pattern of long white hairs

That use to decorate my laundry basket

And all my dark colored clothes

If I left them unguarded for even a second

And yet I do.

I miss the strange security I did not realize I felt

The sense of carrying you with me

Wherever I went

Every time I stepped out into the world

With your hair on my back

As though you were still there

Cuddling with me

Trying to keep me warm

To get me to stay with you

For as long as I dared

Before we both knew I would be late for work

Although only I cared


     Cosmo’s life started nothing short of “crazy” as him and his siblings, only days old, were discovered within a box inside of a dumpster at a construction site. Luckily, a worker heard the meows and went to investigate finding a box of 5 kittens, their eyes not yet opened. The man rescued the kittens and saved them from an untimely fate. After being fostered for a few weeks, the “little white and orange cat who lays inside his food bowl” was adopted. The moment you saw him you know he would leave a paw-shaped mark on your heart forever. Upon his arrival Cosmo became the new baby to 3 older brothers. He instantly felt at home and comfortable in his new environment, running around like a nutjob he quickly earned himself the nickname “Crazy Cat.” He didn’t have to try hard to become the center of attention. Anyone who met Cosmo could feel the depths of his love and so in return everyone who entered the home would fall in love with him. The love didn’t stop with humans, he immediately became bonded to the oldest cat, Lucky, and their bond was inseparable. However, after Lucky’s passing Cosmo was eager to fill the emptiness and loneliness he and his family felt. He would grow to become the ring leader for his brothers Dior, Boo and Chance. He quickly became the staple of our household, and the symbol of love and joy.

    Being born as the runt of his siblings Cosmo always felt he had something to prove. He may have been tiny but he made up for it with his “crazy” big attitude and personality. He could often be seen flying mid air from cat tree to tree, from tree to bed, from bed to table, and bopping all around like a little white pinball. He loved to nestle under almost everything from paper and posters, blankets, pillows, sheets, bathroom rugs, and so much more. Many days were spent napping under moms covers resting his head on her pillow until she returned home. If a bag, box, basket, briefcase, or purse showed up in the house it was a new place for Cosmo to claim and lay in. There were frequent family vacations where he was almost a stowaway in someone’s suit-case. If Cosmo was in the room he required full and undivided attention so forget about getting work done on the computer, leveling up on a video game, paying bills, or responding to that important email on your phone. Cosmo would sit, lay, roll, or nudge you consistently until you stopped whatever it was and focused on him. He was as is human sister called him: A stage 5 Clinger, and you loved him even more for it. Cosmo spent many of days annoying his 3 fur-brothers; playing with them, chasing them, wrestling with them…or giving them a good slap in the head just to remind them who was boss. He was called the “little entitled child” because he had to be first in line for breakfast, snack time, dinner time, brush time…everything. He was always first in line, so why would we expect it to be different for heaven.

   Cosmo lived his best life, short as it was, but what’s more is he brought life, joy, laughter, and immeasurable happiness to his family every single day. His human mommy was the center of his world, following her throughout the house, no where was off limits for Cosmo. He ended each night sitting on her lap with some nice vanilla ice cream while watching TV. His daddy was his rock, his protector, and his closest friend. He comforted him through loss, keeping him company as he recovered from his surgeries, and keeping him entertained day to day as he began his retirement. Cosmos favorite place to sleep at night was right between his daddy’s legs. His human sister was his favorite person to target and would mess with her endlessly. He loved to annoy her with his clinginess and especially his twitchy tail, and enjoyed taking midday naps cuddled up with her fiancé when he got back from work. His human brother was his best buddy and he looked forward to laying on his massage chair and hanging out with him when he played video games and if his fiancé was there he flirted and snuggled up to her with his sweet bedroom eyes. He made a lasting impact on everyone he met, though small in stature, he was larger than life.

    Cosmo despite being the tiniest cat had the biggest heart with endless love to give to everyone. No one could enter the house and leave without having loved and been loved by him. He was one of kind and as crazy as they come. No amount of time with him could have ever been long enough, but 7 years came far too quick. It came as no surprise to us, when we learned he had an enlarged heart, considering he was so little, he gave so much outpouring of love, well, it only made sense as ironic as it was. Us being there as he crossed the rainbow bridge was tough, but we found comfort in knowing that Lucky was there waiting for him. The two lover boys, pop and son together again and knowing it won’t be long until the two of them are wreaking havoc up there together. The days since his passing have been calmer, quieter, somber. Cosmo without effort brought so much energy, excitement, and laughter to everyone’s lives.

Cos, We will look for you forever, in every box that shows up. Dinner time will never be the same without you supervising from on top of the fridge. Changing the bedsheets will never be as fun and entertaining without you randomly appearing beneath them. We will wait for you by the front door to greet us as we get home, and we will leave your spot open on the couch so you know you’re always welcome. We are saddened by the loss of you, but are immensely grateful we were lucky enough to know such an incredible love like yours. Thank you for the best 7 years we could possibly ask for and for more laughs and memories than we can possibly count. We will carry you with us every day, and we can’t wait see you again soon. Cosmo, we love now, always, forever.


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