Obituary of Magic Michaelian
Magic was the first born of the three-pack known as Magic, Panda and Violet aka MVP’s. Magic was the first born and last one to go to heaven. She lived for 14 years, five months and three days. She hung on to spend more time with us as our only Boston.
Magic was the smartest of the group. We used to jokingly say she wanted a microscope for Christmas to continue her research. When we used to buy her toys, we used to buy intellectual toys like an atom or an item that looked like something scientific. She was really that intelligent.
She was also the easiest to take to the vet when she was young. She’d relax in the car looking out the window. She sat in the vet's office like why do you have me here? We used to call her cool as a cucumber because nothing used to phase her. As she got older it broke our hearts to see her stress going to the vet hiding under the chair in the office when the doctor entered the room.
Magic was always the first one to sound the alarm. If someone came to the house, she would start to bark and set everybody else off barking. My friends used to call her “the noisy one” or “the trouble starter” because she was always the first one to get the whole group going.
She had several nicknames. Jeeka, Jeeks, Majeeks, Tank, Tankie Tanks, the tanks, the Jeeks and Jeeka Jeeks. How the names evolve we don't know, but each one of them was given with love and admiration.
After Magic had a stroke, she used to have trouble in the evening. She used to stick her tongue in and out like a snake vocalizing. We named it her sneaky snaking time. We decided to take her for a walk in her stroller. Each night we would bundle her up and go for a walk with her brother and dad leading the way. At each streetlight we’d stop and check on her to make sure she was still enjoying herself. We felt like the motion with the fresh air helped her calm down. After the walk each night, we’d give her treats, medication and then we’d go to bed.
She became accustomed to this ritual. If we were late, she’d certainly remind us. She had an incredible internal clock. She’d always tell me when it was time for dinner, treats, bed, when it was time for anything she always knew, and she wouldn’t let me forget.
Each morning after feeding the cats, I would come upstairs and let her lick out the cats can. When all three of the sisters were here, she used to be the least aggressive and not get very many licks, but now she had the whole can to herself. Now when I come up the stairs she is no longer waiting for the can. After licking the can she used to get her most favorite treat. She would wait by the pantry door looking at it saying don’t forget my treat. Once she had her treat it was time for me to work and for her to rest.
Magic and I created a super bond after her last sister passed. She would sleep right next to me as I worked all day long. If she woke up and didn’t see me, she would check my office chair then my recliner. If she didn’t see me, she would go looking for me. I would make sure she could see me, so she was always comfortable. She kept tabs on me. She didn't want me to be out of her sight. I would never leave her alone. I wanted to be with her as
much as she wanted to be with me. If she couldn’t find me, she would revert to her dad and keep him company until I returned.
She couldn’t walk as fast as she used to due to arthritis. That didn’t stop her. When her dad used to come home from work, she’d hobble over as fast as she could to greet him with her kisses. Up to the day before she went to heaven, she was still giving kisses.
Our hearts are broken, our house is empty, our lives are forever changed. Her absence has left a huge void that nothing can fill. I know it was her time to go but it never makes it easier. Online it said missing someone is the painful price we pay for love.
For anyone reading this, hold your pets close and treasure each moment because one day their short lives will be over, and your life will never be the same.
We love you today, tomorrow and for eternity Magic. I hope you have reunited with your sisters and are waiting pain free in heaven until we are all together again. We love and miss you more than you will ever know. Thank you for being our baby girl. We couldn't have asked for more and can only hope we were worthy of your devotion.

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